Laundry pickup and delivery services are often overlooked services offered by New Jersey laundromats. However, there are numerous perks to using a laundry delivery service. As adults, we all have very busy lives and often multiple obligations to fulfill at once; if an outsourced service is able to alleviate one of those pressures, it could remove a lot of stress from our day-to-day lives.

Laundry is time consuming, and not the most fun household chore. Using a New Jersey laundry delivery service can help free up time to spend with your family and get more urgent tasks completed. At Sonic Suds, we offer laundry pickup and delivery services in Elizabeth, New Jersey aimed to provide you with numerous benefits.

Convenience. Using a laundry delivery service in Elizabeth, New Jersey is a convenient way to get hampers full of weekly laundry done without missing out on valuable family time or putting off other necessary tasks. Our laundromat not only washes and folds your clothing to your liking, but also will come to your home to pick it up to be washed and deliver it upon completion. This service will eliminate hours in your own laundry room so you can focus on more important things.

Cost. Many people never consider using a laundry delivery service because of a belief that it is cost prohibitive. However, pickup and delivery laundry services offered by a New Jersey laundromat are extremely cost-effective. When the amount of time spent doing laundry throughout the course of an average week is considered, you must factor in how much your time is worth and the peace of mind you can have once the laundry obligation is removed from your plate.

Efficiency. The professionals at our New Jersey laundromat are experienced laundry professionals and extremely efficient in what we offer. Because of the amount of industrial washers and dryers, and the expertise of our staff, we are able to get your laundry done much quicker than you would be able to at home.

Professional. Through the use of a professional laundry service, your clothes will get a professional cleaning. Professional washing machines will not only get clothes more clean, but also getting whites whiter and brights brighter. The difference in the quality of the wash will be noticeable, as clothing will be free of stains and odors.

Environmentally-friendly. Washing and drying at a laundromat is more environmentally-friendly than washing and drying in an at-home machine. The industrial machines use less water, while washing more clothes at a time. In addition, industrial dryers use less energy to dry clothing more effectively.

If you are looking for a laundromat in Elizabeth, New Jersey or the surrounding area that offers laundry pickup and delivery services, choose Sonic Suds. Our professionalism, attention to detail and expertise is unparalleled in the area.