Everyone just loves to get new clothes! How could you not? For many of us, the first thing you do is try them on and model them for friends and family. However, this may not actually be the best thing for you or your new clothes.

Let’s go over a few reasons as to why you should wash your clothes before wearing them, as well as advice to help you maintain your new threads!


New Clothes Contain Chemicals

Manufacturers of clothing have many reasons to use chemicals when making new clothes. The chemicals they use serve lots of purposes. Some of the chemicals used make clothes feel softer to the touch or make colors brighter.

This is to make the clothing more desirable and increase sales. Some chemicals help the clothing to last longer, resist stains, or be easier to care for, while others can help reduce the risk that mildew or mold could grow on the material.

It makes sense for the clothing industry to use these chemicals because they enhance the clothing products and even protect them. However, these chemicals remain on the clothes after you purchase them. Many chemicals can cause itching, stiffness, and even allergic reactions in some people!


Always Wash New Clothing Items Before Wearing Them

Delivery Concept. Smiling woman holding new jeans, unboxing cardboard package, sitting on the couch in living room at home, free space. Excited lady happy with purchase and clothes shipment

Delivery Concept. Smiling woman holding new jeans, unboxing cardboard package, sitting on the couch in living room at home, free space. Excited lady happy with purchase and clothes shipment

While chemicals are necessary for keeping new clothing items looking good, feeling good, and are even safe to try on, they are not suitable to leave on the clothing items once you purchase them and plan on actively wearing them.

These types of chemicals can cause discomfort if they come in contact with your skin for extended periods. This is why new clothes can often make you itch. Sometimes they can even cause redness on your skin, or worse, give you an actual rash.

Another issue is clothing dyes. Often, an excessive amount of dye is used and left in materials to enhance their colors to make them more attractive to consumers. You may even find traces of these dyes on your skin if you do not wash new clothes before wearing them the first time.

It is essential to understand that there are no rules or regulations that require a clothing manufacturer to disclose or label what types of chemicals they use on clothing before selling them.

It is common for them to use many types of dyes and even formaldehyde and chemicals that produce finishes, such as a shiny finish. The only way to remove these chemicals from the clothing is to wash them before you wear them the first time.


How To Avoid Having Itchy Clothing

When you purchase new clothing, or bed and bath items, the best thing you can do for yourself is to wash them. In fact, you may even need to wash them a few times to get rid of all of the chemicals leftover from the manufacturing process.

For many people who have very sensitive skin or bad allergies, the best option may be to have new items professionally laundered. This way, you can be assured that any chemicals have been washed away thoroughly. After all, you want your clothes to feel good and look good when you wear them.

If you have really sensitive skin or bad allergies, you may also consider looking into clothes labeled as Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS). This will guarantee that at least 90% of the material is organic, which may help prevent irritation.

Experts recommend that everyone wash new clothes at least twice before using them, or have them professionally laundered, to avoid any risks from manufacturing chemicals. Consider the specialists at Sonic Suds Laundromat to help you. They can not only save you time, effort , and money, they’ll keep your clothes clean and chemical-free as well!